Monica Coscioni design Orvieto is located in via Adolfo Cozza 11/13 in a small street behind the Municipality in the medieval quarter.
Monica’s dream of rebirth:
Way back in 2006, visiting one of the most important historic buildings in Orvieto, Palazzo Manassei, I had the vision of my laboratory house and after a long renovation, in 2007 I inaugurated its opening.
This place represents a lot for me, perhaps the greatest creative act, transforming a serious loss, through beauty, into rebirth, enveloping my family in a huge embrace of love.
Way back in 2006, visiting one of the most important historic buildings in Orvieto, Palazzo Manassei, I had the vision of my laboratory house and after a long renovation, in 2007 I inaugurated its opening.
This place represents a lot for me, perhaps the greatest creative act, transforming a serious loss, through beauty, into rebirth, enveloping my family in a huge embrace of love.
After almost 20 years and who knows how much longer, we are still here:
me, my mother and my father, fluctuating, but with the desire to be there as much as possible and for this reason even more precious.
The space is worth a visit to feel these energies and get to know the people who gave rise to the particular jewels, together with the architecture of the rooms and the display solutions.